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Radio Dublino announces partnership with Luiss University

LUISS partnership
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We are pleased to announce a new partnership between Radio Dublino and Luiss University. LUISS – Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli – is an independent university, created out of a pre-existing Roman institution, Pro Deo, between 1974 and 1978. Luiss offers an innovative educational approach at its four Departments: Economics and Finance, Business and Management, Law, and Political Science. Its goal is not simply to convey knowledge but to instil flexibility and resourcefulness in young people, giving them a sense of mastery over their future. Furthermore, Luiss has four Schools for graduate and professional studies: the Luiss Business School, the School of Government, the School of Law, and the School of European Political Economy.

Luiss is a top, international, private university specialized in the field of Social Sciences, that provides an innovative and global educational approach and aims to train its students from all backgrounds to be critical thinkers and skilled professionals who will work for the betterment of society. What distinguishes Luiss is its privileged relationship with the business world – over 200 companies, multinationals, and public and private institutions collaborate with the University, offering its degree candidates and new graduates their first real opportunity to step foot in the business world.

The University provides opportunities for student engagement through conferences, workshops and services such as a Tutoring Office and Language Labs. The University also offers sports and volunteer opportunities, psychological and healthcare support, and career services.

Luiss Digital CoursesThis partnership is an opportunity to promote in Ireland an Italian University that is becoming every year increasingly international, in particular thanks to its Digital MSc Programs: Marketing and Strategic Management.

The digital MSc Program in Marketing provides students with a full suite of skills required to understand and manage increasingly complex markets. Students will learn basic and advanced marketing concepts and develop the abilities required to make a positive impact on society.

The digital MSc program in Strategic Management equips students with a comprehensive set of abilities necessary to comprehend and manage an increasingly complex corporate and market environment. Students will get an understanding of fundamental and advanced management principles and the skills necessary to use them in order to make a positive contribution to the growth of organizations, industries and regional economies, as well as to the broader development of society.

The applications for Luiss’ Digital Programs a.y. 2022/2023 are open and all students who are regularly enrolled in the third year of their Bachelor’s Degree program during the 2021/2022 academic year and who will graduate by the 25th of November 2022, as well as everyone who holds a Bachelor’s Degree, may apply for admission to the Digital Degree Programs.

Luiss University aims to inspire meaningful change in society by educating a new generation of successful students and graduates. To do so, the University invests in inclusion, social mobility, collective leadership and responsibility to go beyond conventions, roles and objectives, to transform the borders on the horizon. Several scholarships are awarded to international students every year.

You can keep up to date with Luiss initiatives via social media or by contacting

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